![]() ScreenPresso Pro <br><br>
<br> <br> ![]() <br> <br> ظٹظ‚ظˆظ… ط¨ط±ظ†ط§ظ…ط¬ screenpresso ط¨ط¥ظ„طھظ‚ط§ط· طµظˆط±ط© ظ„ط´ط§ط´طھظƒظ… ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظˆظ‚طھ ط§ظ„ط°ظٹ طھط±ظٹط¯ظˆظ†ظ‡. طھط³طھط·ظٹط¹ظˆظ† ط¥ط®طھظٹط§ط± ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ط©طŒ ظ†ط§ظپط°ط© ط£ظˆ ظƒظ„ ط§ظ„ط´ط§ط´ط© ظˆطھط³طھط·ظٹط¹ظˆظ† ط¥ظ„طھظ‚ط§ط· طµظˆط±ط© ظ„ظ„ط´ط§ط´ط© ط¨ط§ظ„ط¶ط؛ط· ط¹ظ„ظ‰ ط²ط± ظˆط§ط*ط¯ ظˆظ‡ظˆ PRTSYSRQطŒ ظˆط¹ظ†ط¯ ط±ط؛ط¨طھظƒظ… ط¨ط¥ظ„طھظ‚ط§ط· طµظˆط±ط© ظ„ظ„ط´ط§ط´ط© ظٹط¸ظ‡ط± ظ…ط±ط¨ط¹ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ط£ط³ظپظ„ ظٹط*طھظˆظٹ ط¹ظ„ظ‰ طµظˆط±ط© ظ…ظƒط¨ط±ط© ظ„ظ„ظ…ظ†ط·ظ‚ط© ط§ظ„طھظٹ طھط±ظٹط¯ظˆظ†ظ‡ط§ ظ„طھظ‚ظˆظ…ظˆط§ ط¨ظ‚ط·ط¹ ط§ظ„ط*ظˆط§ظپ ط¨ظƒظ„ ط¯ظ‚ط©طŒ ظˆطھط³طھط·ظٹط¹ظˆظ† ط¥ط®طھظٹط§ط± ظ…ط§ط°ط§ ط³ظٹط*ط¯ط« ط¨ط¹ط¯ ط¥ظ„طھظ‚ط§ط· ط§ظ„طµظˆط±ط© ظ…ط«ظ„ ظپطھط* ط¨ط±ظ†ط§ظ…ط¬ ط§ظ„طھط*ط±ظٹط± ط£ظˆ ط§ظ„ط¥ظƒطھظپط§ط، ط¨ط*ظپط¸ ط§ظ„طµظˆط±ط© ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ط*ط§ظپط¸ط©. طھظˆط¬ط¯ ظƒط°ظ„ظƒ ط®ظٹط§ط±ط§طھ ط¥ط¶ط§ظپظٹط© ظ…ط«ظ„ ط¥ظ…ظƒط§ظ†ظٹط© طھطµط؛ظٹط± ظˆطھظƒط¨ظٹط± ط§ظ„طµظˆط± طھظ„ظ‚ط§ط¦ظٹط§ظ‹ ط¹ظ†ط¯ ط£ط®ط° ط§ظ„طµظˆط±ط© ط£ظˆ ط¥ط¶ط§ظپط© ط¨ط¹ط¶ ط§ظ„طھط£ط«ظٹط±ط§طھ ظ…ط«ظ„ ط¥ط¶ط§ظپط© ط¥ط·ط§ط± ط£ظˆ ط¥ظ†ط¹ظƒط§ط³ ظ„ظ„ظ…ط§ط، ط£ظˆ ط¸ظ„ط§ظ„. <br> <br> Screenpresso overrides the Print Screen key and makes it easy to take the best screen captures in a few seconds. It is a light-weight Windows software giving a wonderful look to your screenshots! <br> <br> Features: <br> Capture windows and region <br> Capture part of the screen or a specific window with the same shortcut. Simple. <br> Portable application <br> No need to install the application, you can run it directly after download. <br> Screenshot history <br> Dont bother to save screenshots on your drive, Screenpresso does it for you. Practical. <br> Attach screenshots to emails <br> Drag and drop screenshots from the history directly to your favorite email editor. Webmails like GMail are also taken into account! Swift. <br> Built-in image editor <br> Crop, spotlight an area or comment parts of a captured image. Efficient. <br> Capture scrolling part <br> Cant fit it on the screen ? Make a unique image thanks to the stitching mechanism. Smart. <br> Add effects <br> Look like a pro. Add drop shadow, rounded corners, reflection and more. Sleek. <br> Resize bunch of images <br> Need to export images or create thumbnails at a specific size, one click. <br> Share screenshots <br> Easily share your screenshots via Twitter, Facebook, G-Mail, Evernote, Flickr or FTP. <br> Great support <br> Simply send an e-mail to support team. It will always quickly respond. <br> <br> OS : Windowsآ® 8, Seven, Vista, XP, 2003, 2008 32 and 64 bit <br> <br> ![]() <br> <br> |
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