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برنامج المراقبة وادارة الشبكات Classroom Spy Professional Edition 3.9.25
Classroom Spy Professional Edition 3.9.25 <br>
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Classroom Spy Professional Edition 3.9.19 software is a powerful tool in controlling all the activities of all users of the network and view live video and their behavior is. This software allows you to see live screens of remote computers gives. This way, you can always see what users are doing on the remote computer. It also has facilities for management class management class to complete and provide job training for students easier to. View and record all activities of all users, avoid web sites, implementing various software applications are running or stopped, manage all computers from one location, perfect setup, saving activities into video The format AVI, preventing access to the internet, view online pictures from networked PCs, Users have the ability to view the admin desktop, etc. <br> <br> <br> <br>SIZE: 13 MB <br> <br> <br> <br> |
بآلله عليكم آلآ تخجلون من تشآؤمكم وجنود الجيش العربي السوري من آشتآقوآ لآهلهم ,,, من لم يعرفوآ آلنوم منذ آشهر ,,, من لم يتذوقوآ الطعآم بمنآزلهم منذ آشهر ,,, من آشتآقوآ ليحتضنوآ آبنآئهم ,, من لم يعرفوا إلا صوت النار والبارود منذ زمن طويل ,,, ويبتسمون فهل لكم الحق تحزنون ,,, التوقـيـ ع : مـ شهيد لأجـ Ahmad ــل سوريـا الأسـ Alassd ـد ــشروع |
الكلمات الدليلية |
المراقبة, برنامج |